Hawaii 2009

Hawaii 2009
Melodie, Dennis and Rachel

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Busy Month

Well this is the first weekend since January started that I have not had to go into work. My job is very busy during this time of year. In order to get things done, a lot of times I end up going in at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and working until midnight. That way get to spend most of my weekend with my family, but it sure gets me started off to a tired week. However, I am very thankful that I have had this job to help us through the last year.

Tonight, Rachel fell asleep a little early so I have been doing some personal computer work. I got my plane tickets to go to Steffanie's wedding. I feel relieved that I was able to get a fairly good deal. However, I wish the wedding would have been at a different time of year so that I could have spent more time in Ohio. But I'll go out again sometime this summer to see my mom and dad again.

Rachel has been so funny lately. She says all kind of funny things (and some that are not so funny). Because of the remodeling going on at the house, things have been really dusty. I picked up a rag and started to dust. Rachel grabbed one too and I said I am so glad you are dusting and she said "I'm not dusting, I am undusting". I thought that was a hoot!

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